Electronic Voice Phenomena - EVP "Ghost Voices"
Electronic Voice Phenomena, commonly called EVP, is the capture of words and sometimes short sentences on audio recording equipment. A common example of this phenomenon is when two individuals are sitting alone in a building reputed to have paranormal activity. Their discussion is recorded, and when the tape is played back later, a third voice appears on the tape. Often vague and barely discernible, generally audible only by listening closely to the tape with headphones, but undeniably there. There is no rational explanation for such occurrences, and the mystery only deepens when the third party’s voice seems to be in reply to a statement made by the two paranormal investigators who recorded the conversation.
Thomas Edison was probably the first scientific authority to suggest the feasibility of a machine that could communicate with the dead. In an early 20th-century interview in Scientific American, he claimed: “It is possible to construct an apparatus which will be so delicate that if there are personalities in another existence or sphere who wish to get in touch with us in this existence or sphere, this apparatus will at least give them [the] opportunity.”
In 1959, a Swedish researcher by the name of Friederich Jurgenson was using a common tape recorder to capture the sounds of birds when he discovered unexplained voices on his recordings. Jurgenson’s discovery led to an increased interest in Edison’s postulations of more than thirty years before.
After Jurgenson’s discovery, many others began to experiment with EVP. The most successful of these was Dr. Konstantine Raudive, whose work is worth checking out for anyone wanting to learn more about EVP. Dr. Raudive died in 1974, but left a number of works aimed at convincing humans that contact between the dead and living is possible.
The PI Team uses several different kinds of recording devices in its efforts to capture EVP. The samples we provide on our EVP page represent only a fraction of what we’ve recorded over the years. We feel that EVP, especially that which seems to be in response to our presence, is the most compelling proof we have yet that “something” is out there…and it’s talking.
Thomas Edison was probably the first scientific authority to suggest the feasibility of a machine that could communicate with the dead. In an early 20th-century interview in Scientific American, he claimed: “It is possible to construct an apparatus which will be so delicate that if there are personalities in another existence or sphere who wish to get in touch with us in this existence or sphere, this apparatus will at least give them [the] opportunity.”
In 1959, a Swedish researcher by the name of Friederich Jurgenson was using a common tape recorder to capture the sounds of birds when he discovered unexplained voices on his recordings. Jurgenson’s discovery led to an increased interest in Edison’s postulations of more than thirty years before.
After Jurgenson’s discovery, many others began to experiment with EVP. The most successful of these was Dr. Konstantine Raudive, whose work is worth checking out for anyone wanting to learn more about EVP. Dr. Raudive died in 1974, but left a number of works aimed at convincing humans that contact between the dead and living is possible.
The PI Team uses several different kinds of recording devices in its efforts to capture EVP. The samples we provide on our EVP page represent only a fraction of what we’ve recorded over the years. We feel that EVP, especially that which seems to be in response to our presence, is the most compelling proof we have yet that “something” is out there…and it’s talking.
Disclaimer: The EVPs presented were captured during our investigations. We do not claim these to be "proof" of ghosts, but we do, as a team, find them to be very interesting and have not been able to find a "natural" explanation for them.
The PI Team of Utah is a 501 (c) 3 Non-profit organization.
Copyright © 2007-2018 The Paranormal Investigations Team of Utah